Honestly I don’t see why this hasn’t made more of an impact because this script is awesome. One of the pains that Ajax developers go through is debugging. Now, with the help of Greasemonkey the XMLHttpRequest object can be traced.
The Greasemonkey script was written by a guy named Julien from Curiosity is bliss. Trust me, XmlHttpRequestDebugging is one script that is going to save a lot of time with Ajax development.
After reading posts from Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life and Links on the Semantic Web I noticed that some people are having problems when making AJAX calls from one serer to another.
I believe is the problem that most would come across:
Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method XMLHttpRequest.open in Mozilla Firefox.
And here is the fix: Just insert this block of code right before you declare the new XMLHttpRequest object:
What Is Ajax?
It’s become very popular lately, even though it’s not exactly new. It’s been possible to use the concept behind AJAX since browsers introduced the XMLHttpRequest function in 1999. Enjoy Rob Gonda’s highly popular ColdFusion Developer’s Journal article on AJAX, the hottest software development of 2005, with plenty more heat promised for 2006.
I know there are many out there, but this one comes from the guys over at Ajax.
We’ve seen and heard a lot about Ajax in 2005. Here is the Ajax year of 2005 in review:
The AJAX Year In Review
The term (and world-wide attention) behind AJAX is not even a year old, but you can find a wide range of powerful tools either with newly added support for it or created just to support the AJAX way of life. In addition, many of the constraints and problems with AJAX have been resolved or greatly reduced.
Andrew Sutherland developed a beautiful Ajax Based version of the Periodic Table.
You click on an element in the table and a window pops up up with more detailed information about the element. The rest of the page is also greyed out.
Check it out.
[tags]Ajax, web2.0, Web 2.0[/tags]
One of the major complaints that users have about Ajax interfaces is that they have no idea when things are happening in the background. If some important background activity is going to be happening, something that the user needs to wait for, a developer should make an effort to indicate this to the user.
An input box for user id fetches relevant information from the server. If the user does not exist then the rest of the form should be disabled and the user should be alerted.
It’s been a long time in the making, but I’ve finally decided to release a link about this. I have been hunting around a couple places and looking at different solutions around, this is the only thing that seems to work for me. Check out this article: Content with Style: Fixing the Back Button and Enabling Bookmarking for AJAX Apps
Everyone’s favourite [tag]AJAX[/tag] technology app is Google Maps. Google have done a stunning job… But when I came to try to bookmark a page and I had to hunt around for ‘link to this page’ over on the right hand side.
New AJAX Website Unveiled: AJAX.sys-con.com @ SYS-CON AUSTRALIA
If you want to learn AJAX you should probably buy a few books, buy an AJAX IDE, and go to a few training classes. But all three things will cost you money. So why not first mingle with people that already know it, by visiting - at no cost - the very latest and fastest-growing AJAX web site, http://ajax.sys-con.com - it’s where the prime movers of AJAX come to learn who’s doing what in AJAX, why, when, and with whom.
One of the most painful things that I’m going through right now is trying to debug my Ajax applications. Debugging any Javascript application, for that matter, is a pain in the neck. Some may claim that we have the Venkman JavaScript Debugger available. True, I suppose.
But take this into consideration:
Most large JavaScript applications and especially Ajax applications are going to be event driven and object driven. How does one track one specific instance of an Ajax call?
AJAX Translator called AjaxTrans was developed by Joel Parish. Right now, it seems to be in a very beta stage, but it is functional. Just start typing and text the is automatically translated for you. No need to hit enter to submit anything. The following languages are available: Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese.