
Gitting Started with Git – Quick and Dirty

Gitting Started with Git – Quick and Dirty

I’m sure you guys have heard about Git. It’s been making a lot of waves lately. It seems that I’m always the last to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to things like that, but I’m finally here. Introduction There are tons of Version Control Systems (VCS) out there: Source Safe (Microsoft’s Baby, which sucks by the way), CVS, and SVN. Git is different from those in one major way: It’s a distributed system as opposed to a centralized one.

Round Corners With jQuery and CSS

Rounded Intro

So you’re all grown up and want Rounded Corners on your site. There’s just one small problem: the normal rounded corners implementation comes with tons of divs used for styles and you’ve got your fellow web developers screaming down your neck about web semantics.

So what’s this funky semantics thing? Basically, we’re looking for a separation of styles and data. We want to keep all the styles in the CSS style sheets and all the data in the XHTML files. Now, I’ve been known to be flexible on this a bit, however it is a great idea with a purpose and in this case, it actually helps us out a ton.

Ignore Me - Take The Easy Way Out

There are two jQuery plugins that can do this instantly, aptly named jQuery Corners and jQuery Corner. Yeah, I know totally different, right? They vary slightly in terms of their capabilities (anti-aliasing, background images, etc.). So if you’re not up to the heavy lifting or your requirements are very light (just basic rounding) these plugins more than fit the bill.

CakePHP Auth Component – Will You Remember Me Tomorrow?

This is the third installment of my Auth Component Tutorial. This tutorial builds on the first installment, so make sure you grab the download file: CakePHP Auth 1 (4.3 KiB, 18,444 hits) You’ll find it on almost every popular web site’s login page; a nice lil' checkbox that says “Remember Me”. It seems to have become a basic addition to any page with a login form. Generally, when a user logs into a web site, he’s logged in until his session expires.

CakePHP Auth Component – Tutorial Two

This is the second installment of my Auth Component Tutorial. I included a link to download a file for during the first installment: CakePHP Auth 1 (4.3 KiB, 18,444 hits) I just think that some of the stuff in there warrants some explanation. isAuthorized() This function is needed when $this-Auth->authorize = ‘controller’. Theory has it, you can do something similar in app_model if $this-Auth->authorize = ‘model’, but I haven’t looked into this.

CakePHP Auth Component For Dummies Tutorial

First off, I would like to say much thanks to Gwoo for finally helping me to understand this thing. So I know what you’re thinking; I’m probably the last person to finally figure out the CakePHP’s Auth Component. For the past few months, I’ve been using obAuth because that’s the only authentication I could get to work with CakePHP. I think that I was just making it more difficult than it should have been.