Courtesies of TechJunction I bring to you:
The Top Five Technologies You Need to Know About in
Ruby on Rails - Faster, easier Web development NAND drives -Bye-bye, HDD? Ultra-Wideband -200x personal-area networking Hosted hardware -Supercomputing for the masses Advanced CPU architectures -Penryn, Fusion and more Ruby on Rails has been getting real rave reviews lately. Honestly, I haven’t delved into it that deeply yet, but from my initial experience I don’t see what all the fuss is about, but I promise to investigate more.
Before we even begin, one good question that anyone would ask is since this came out over one and a half years ago, why am I only now getting wind of this? Good question. Wish I had a good answer. But on to business: AJAX Contact form 0.9.
Demo available here.
It’s been a long time but I finally decided to breathe some life back into Day In The Life of Baz. It’s been a while since I touched anything on that blog. With the whole graduation thing and the job hut and the starting a new job and moving, I’ve just been a bit overwhelmed lately. Some say welcome back to: Day In The Life of Baz.[
I’m not sure what to make of this: Automated JavaScript Vertical Flip Image Reflection. It adds reflections to images using JavaScript. But, am I missing something here, or has it already been done? It seems to do basically the same thing with less flexibility and it doesn’t work in IE.
The only other difference that I can notice is that this is works on a page-wide basis, whereas the other script is on a per-image basis.
Introduction Here we go again, the age old story. Do we use plain old HTML Tables or do we invest the time and energy into learning and using CSS properly? Duh, it’s not even worth saying anymore. Tables suck, tables have always sucked. The only thing that keeps tables going for so long is their ease of design.
More Evidence Tables Bad, CSS Good tells us, again, why we should us CSS whenever possible:
Introduction OK, now I did promise you some information about my new job, so here goes. First off we need a little background information.
How It All Started Sometime back in October of 2006, during my last semester of school, a Software company came to my school to recruit programmers. They are situated in Texas and they provide a Software Package for companies in Texas. They have about 85% of the market cornered, so business is really good.
Introduction Ever wanted to clock your website’s speed? Of course you have. If you’re any sort of Web Developer you’ve used Web Page Analyzer in the past and you’ve probably gotten by with it. There’s a new AJAX tool called WebWait, which does a similar job except much, much cooler. I mean, after all it’s AJAX right?
WebWait is unique is many ways.
One of the nicest features is that you can set it to perform multiple runs at specified intervals and take an average of all of them.
For most of my real quick image editing I usually use Paint.NET. That’s for when Photoshop is overkill and I’m not really a Gimp man, sorry. And of course MS Paint, or whatever it’s called now, it’s going to cut it, ever. But what do you do when you’re not home and away from your normal tools? Well I just use Paint.NET on my flash disk, but that’s another story.
First off, let me apologize for the many weeks of no posts. I’ll give you some more information later, but basically I got a new job (yaaaaay) and I had to move about 150 miles to search for apartments and all the stuff that goes with it. That, coupled with no internet connection and being dead broke didn’t leave much time to get on the internet.
It’s no secret that Firebug is a great tool, but did you know that you can do AJAX Debugging with Firebug?
For those of you just wiping the remnants of 2006 out of your eyes welcome to 2007. If it’s January 1st and it’s before daylight I hope you’re just reading this before you go to bed or something, because if you aren’t out with friends partying, I truly feel your pain. lol.
To the rest of you stumbling upon this post at a reasonable hour I have a great way to start out 2007 with some AJAX.